80% of riders report good mood after using e-scooters, study finds

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New research by the University of Leeds and University of Cambridge has found that Voi’s shared e-scooters help people to feel happier and more connected with nature. 

Published in Active Travel Studies, this is one of the first academic studies of its kind looking at wellbeing and e-scooter use and demonstrates the benefits of shared micromobility in the UK.

The researchers surveyed over 2,400 Voi riders across 15 UK cities by asking them to report their general stress and mood levels before, during and after e-scooter journeys over one month to build a more comprehensive picture of how e-scooters impact wellbeing.

It was found that 80% of riders reported feeling in a good mood after an e-scooter trip and 64% said they felt closer to the natural environment.

In addition, 61% reported feeling more alert and less sluggish after taking an e-scooter, with 57% feeling less stressed after the journey.

People with walking difficulties were significantly more likely to experience positive feelings after an e-scooter ride, while riders with an ethnic minority background were more likely to feel closer to nature. 

Matthew Pencharz, Head of Public Policy for Voi UK, Ireland and France, told Zag Daily: “Riding an e-scooter is liberating for various sectors of society, in some cases because it’s more affordable than public transport or cars and in others because it offers an easy way to get around, especially for people who find it difficult or painful to walk far, who are able to travel to places they are unable to access independently otherwise.

“The study segments our riders into many categories including age, gender, ethnicity, health, disability, income. Across the board it’s pleasing to discover a previously unknown benefit of e-scooters – that they make riders feel happier both during and after their journey.”

This study is part of ongoing research that will measure changes over time and provide more insights into how people use and benefit from micromobility across the UK. 

The data was collected between August and September 2021. 

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